Top Posts

Below are some top Mind Renewers posts, without any particular definition as to what constitutes a “top post”.

Some of my Favourites

Proverbs 24:10: Help for the weakling — this hits you over the head with a baseball bat, knocks you into Pity Party Pit, and then tosses you a rope to help you climb back out.

Knowledge and Scorn:  Very brief, but to the point.

“OMG” — and Other Ways Christians Take God’s Name in Vain: This has had by far the most traffic.  Some ways we speak lightly of our God, often without even thinking.

Trying to Hit the Ball:  A boy tries to play baseball, and survives the horror of fifth-grade girls.  The point:  never give up, ever, ever.

Misusing I Peter 3:15 — “Be Ready Always”:  This is the first of five posts on one of the most frequently misused Scripture verses.

Bibliology Series:  Those that have particularly attracted interest include The Scriptures — Inspired or Expired?  (and the supporting The Meaning of Theopneustos) and His Word Will not Return Void, the last in a series of posts on the preservation of Scripture.

Would You Like to Buy a Poppy?  A funny “cultural collision” shows the dangers of jumping to conclusions, missed opportunities, and other lessons.

Marginal Gains — learning from British Cycling.

Other Popular Posts

“Good” at Repentance:  Understanding repentance — it isn’t saying “sorry.”

Is the Oldest Manuscript Really Best?  Warning:  looong post.  About old manuscripts, but far more, a challenge in considering the attitude of a persecuted church to the Scriptures.

So Who’s at the Next Table, Anyway?  One sad restaurant experience, one hilarious, both reminding us of the importance of watching our words.

Why do Bad Things Happen?  Some Biblical answers when bad things happen to us.

Finding Christ in Proverbs — Some Mistakes to Avoid and Finding Christ in Proverbs — and Finding Proverbs in Christ:  Two posts on how Proverbs testifies of Christ.

Proverbs 25:28:  This (the first of three on this proverb) is the most popular of my Proverb for Today series.  It still gets traffic almost every day.

2 Responses to Top Posts

  1. Nancy Bryson says:

    Jesus says (John 10) “My sheep hear my voice….” and I certainly believe I hear the Lord’s voice while reading the pericope adulterae in John 7&8. So it is disconcerting (infuriating really) to hear so many preachers stridently and confidently declare that this poignant story (a story which for me stimulates love for the Lord Jesus like no other) does not belong in the NT. How careless for preachers to casually undermine the faith of the simple (like me)…..with unlearned assertions, merely repeating what they have heard (and uncritically accepted) from the “textual experts”.

    The most important thing Christians have is the assurance that the scriptures we stake our soul on are the word of God. Thank you so much for your blog questioning whether the oldest manuscripts are really the best……you made great faith-strengthening points which have never been explained to me before.

    • Jon Gleason says:

      Thank you, Nancy. I apologise for the delay in clearing this from moderation, the blog was dormant.

      Too often the preachers are repeating what they have been taught, when neither the teacher nor the student has given sufficient thought to the ramifications. It has become for too many an interesting academic question.

      May the Lord bless and encourage you, and strengthen your faith.

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