Calling it Right

Lyn knows of what she is speaking — she used to be part of the homosexual community, living in bondage for years.

They will defend their sin, just as I used to. They may be somewhat ‘stand-offish’, but they are lost souls who desperately need our prayers and our Christ. Too many see the sin of homosexuality as being worse than their own sins; this leads to a self-righteous attitude.

Lyn calls it right on this sin, she doesn’t minimise it in any way.  We need to abandon a twisted view of “love and compassion” that condones sin or speaks as if it doesn’t matter.  She shows how destructive this sinful lifestyle is for this life, let alone for eternity — it isn’t loving to fail to warn of its dangers.  We must not in any way minimise the seriousness of the problem — compassion is truthful.

She calls it right that self-indulgence, the pursuit of personal pleasure, is the root of this sin.  The other problems she lists with a high correlation to homosexuality (conflict, promiscuity, drug and alcohol addiction) all are related to self-indulgence — the same core problem.

But most of my readers are not homosexual, and Lyn calls it right for us, too.

As I share with you the very dark side of this abomination to a Holy God, I would also ask that we all keep in mind homosexuals are sinners, like everyone else, who desperately need to hear of their sin and of the Savior. There is hope for them, just as there is hope for all who are in bondage to sin. I have seen more of a militant style attack on homosexuals than that of showing the love of Christ and His cross.

Of course, militancy goes both ways.  Many activists want to silence Christians (or anyone that does not condone their actions).  “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18), but it isn’t always possible, and you can’t be at peace with those unwilling to be at peace with you.  Those with no internal peace, burdened by guilt, pursuing validation, will not always be peaceful.

The perceived “militant style attack,” I believe, arises because we’ve let homosexual activists choose the grounds of our interaction — an argument over morality.  They set the arena, and engage in militancy, and Christians get drawn into the conflict.  We allow ourselves to be pegged as the “anti” crowd instead of believers in forgiveness and freedom.  We lose sight of these three facts:

  1. Many internally know it is wrong.
  2. Few will admit to us it is wrong.
  3. Even if they do admit it, we have gained little.

The drug addict, the drunkard, the thief, the murderer, the violent sex offender, and many others know what they do is wrong.  They might even admit it — but being correct about morality never saved anyone, never changed anyone, never set anyone free.  That is true no matter which sin is in view.

And so Lyn has this to say, not for the homosexual but for the Christian:

I have had homosexuals tell me they’ve tried to change and can’t, so they continue on in their sins, going down deeper into this dark and deadly bondage. This is why they need to hear about Jesus Christ and what He has done, He frees sinners from the bondage of sin. He cleanses sinners from their sins, and He imputes His righteousness to them. Being free from certain death is the greatest news any sinner could hear. They need to hear of God’s grace, they must be told of His mercy. (emphasis mine)

The Scriptures are clear.  Homosexual sin is unrighteous, contrary to the kingdom of God.  But the Bible talks more about the content of verse eleven below than it does about the specific sins of verses 9-10.  Too often, Christians work so hard to debate and declaim the specifics of verses nine and ten that we hardly mention verse eleven.

I Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Winning an argument may, very rarely, convince a homosexual of what his conscience was already saying.  But telling of Christ’s love and His work to wash away ALL a person’s sins (not just this one) can have eternal benefit, for the Gospel is mighty to save.  It also protects us from self-righteousness, for it reminds us that we, also, needed salvation, we also needed to be washed, sanctified, and justified.  It turns our eyes, and theirs, on the Saviour — and there is no better place to look.

About Jon Gleason

Former Pastor of Free Baptist Church of Glenrothes
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5 Responses to Calling it Right

  1. Thank you for elaborating nicely on this topic brother, it should not be viewed as a battle to win, but rather as a soul to evangelize to.

    May the Lord bless you Jon

  2. Patrick Heeney says:

    Christ didn’t come for the righteous, (not that there are any) but only for us sinners. We do well to remember, all sin separates from God. Just because ours is different from theirs, doesn’t change that. Love that God made sure to remind us all…”such were some of you.” Past tense, cleansed and made free. Thank you Jesus!

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